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Holy Week 2019

We journeyed a lot during Holy Week 2019 … from the Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem … to the Lord’s Supper … His betrayal, scourging, crucifixion, and burial … to His glorious resurrection from the dead.
Tenebrae begins in the presence of the Paschal (Christ) candle; the tapers are reflective of the Apostles (and us).
The Psalms were prayers that Jesus knew well and prayed often.  Tenebrae is a service that uses the Psalms that our Lord would certainly have prayed. During the service we recall the gradual departure of the Lord’s disciples, Jesus’ loneliness, His departure from us at the moment of His death, and then His triumphant return at the resurrection. The use of darkness and light as well as the sound of rolling thunder will appeal to our senses of sight and hearing as we immerse ourselves into our Lord’s passion, death and resurrection.  Tenebrae lasts about 45 minutes and is rich with unique prayers and music.
Throughout Tenebrae the psalms are read, reflective of God’s promises throughout the ages.
On Good Friday we remember the death of Jesus.  According to an ancient custom, Mass is not celebrated on this day. The Liturgy consists of three parts: the reading of the passion of our Lord as written by John the Evangelist, the veneration of the cross on which our salvation was won, and the reception of holy communion with hosts consecrated on Holy Thursday. The Celebration of our Lord’s Passion is a fitting way to commemorate the sacredness of this holy day.
On Good Friday, we focused on the Lord’s Passion and Death.
Amanda kneels alongside the painting she drew in the weeks prior to Holy Week.
(Those who came to our Lenten Fish Fry’s will recognize this drawing, which hung over one of the chalk boards in the hall.)

More pics to follow, as they’re made available

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