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Becoming a Member

Congratulations on choosing to make Sacred Heart Catholic Church your spiritual home!

Registering in a parish is a declaration of your desire to be part of a faith community and a form of commitment to the enhancing the  life of the parish community by not only your presence – but also by your involvement.  If you have not yet had the opportunity to complete the registration form, click here to download the form in PDF format; this particular form is a FILLABLE-PDF, meaning you can enter all the information into the form and then submit the form electronically.  PLEASE NOTE that submission is a 2-step process.  After clicking submit on the registration form itself, it’ll create a DRAFT email whatever email/webmail program you use.  You’ll then need to go into your DRAFTS and click send.  (This is an inherent safety measure built into Adobe to insure that you intentionally want to submit an email).   Additionally, you may visit the rectory to register.

Telephone Numbers
Parish Office: 440.707.6707 x0
Mass & Confession Times: 440.707.6707 x1
Fr. David Trask (pastor): 440.987.9873
Office Hours
Monday & Thursday: 9AM—2PM
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday: 9AM—Noon
Saturday & Sunday: The office is closed

Registering also allows us to welcome you properly, learn about any special needs and interests, and keep you informed of our worship opportunities and activities.  To that end, you are invited to schedule an appointment with Fr. Trask, our pastor, so he can learn about you – and you about him and the parish; he may be reached at 440.987.9873.

As you become a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, we encourage you to consider becoming involved in our various organizations, committees and other aspects of parish life and activities.

Leaving the Parish?

If you are leaving the parish, we kindly ask that you please notify the parish secretary at 440.707.6707 ext 0 or via email at cc.JO1739376197HS@yr1739376197aterc1739376197es1739376197