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Parish School of Religion (PSR)

PSR provides for the religious instruction of the youth of our parish.  Classes meet on Sunday from 9:15-10:15.  Grades 1-8 use the “We Believe” book series that is published by William Sadlier, Inc.  → the Catholic Identity edition.   Those who participate in the Confirmation Formation Program use the “Decision Point” series that is published by Matthew Kelly.


Registration for the 2024-2025 PSR year is underway.  If your child was enrolled in the Sacred Heart of Jesus PSR program for the 2023-2024 academic year, you received PRE-PRINTED registration form VIA EMAIL that should be reviewed, updated, and returned with the PSR fee.  Anyone who is registering new students, or who is registering mid-year, for the 2024-2025 academic year should complete a registration form by clicking the graphic to the right ► ► ►.  New student registration priority is given to families who are practicing members of the Sacred Heart Parish Community; new registrations from families of other Catholic parish communities will be accepted on a space-available basis.

Students in the second grade receive preparation for the Sacraments of both Reconciliation as well as Eucharist*.   High school students who feel themselves ready to embrace the Sacrament of Confirmation participate in the Confirmation Formation Program during their 9th grade year*.

*  In order for a student to be eligible to participate in sacramental preparation, they must have participated in the PSR program during the year PRIOR to the academic year during which they desire to receive the sacrament.  Additionally, they must be regular in their practice of the faith (eg. weekly Mass attendance).

If you have a child to be enrolled, or you desire to be PSR Teacher, contact Bridget Boardman 440.707.6707 x6.  To register your child for PSR, click here to download a PDF copy of the PSR registration form.




The 2024-2025 PSR year will begin on 15 September 2024; a DRAFT schedule of class dates is included with the re-registration and the new-registration packets.