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Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are parishioners who have received special training from the pastor, and training and certification from the Diocesan Office for Worship.  This ministry is used in settings where there are insufficient priests and deacons to properly facilitate the distribution of Holy Communion.

In addition to assisting at mass, Eucharistic Ministers are encouraged to take Holy Communion to Catholics who are home-bound, hospitalized, or residents of nursing homes.  Some hospitals and nursing homes may require that the Extraordinary Minister receive orientation.  The institution may also require a background check.

Extraordinary Ministers for:

–  Hospitals and Home-bound, please contact the parish office at 440.707.6707 x0
–  Nursing Homes, please call Joe McCormick 440.775.7811

Current liturgical ministry schedules may be ►found here◄.


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