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Parish Pastoral Council


The purpose of the Parish Pastoral Council is to promote the spiritual growth of the parish community and to plan ways for the parish to carry out the mission of the Church, as a consultative body which makes recommendations to the Pastor.


Help us remember that the seeds we sow often take time, patience and the nourishment of your grace. Remind us of your love; remind us that we are one, that you have brought us all here together, at this time at St. James, to serve the mission of this parish as only we can. We ask this through Christ, our Lord.  Amen.

Membership on the Parish Pastoral Council is determined through a process of discernment. Each member of council serves for a term of three years, and membership is limited to a single-term followed by a two-year absence before being eligible to serve again. Council meets on the third Thursday of each month during the academic year, with the exception of December.