PSR Survey for the 2020-2021 Academic Year
On an almost daily basis, we hear new reports of plans for students to return to school—and nearly all plans have some element of controversy tied to them. There’s no question that in-person education, and the interpersonal dynamic associated with such is far more advantageous to the learning process—but in-person contact brings with it its own set of concerns during the pandemic.
The parish is in a quandary about its own religious education program (PSR) should express itself this year. And so we’re looking for your input via a survey that can be found at ← (the survey will open in a NEW TAB)
Whether we do in-person, on-line, or a hybrid approach to religious education, we’re in need of catechists. In addition to parents, we ask anyone willing to assist assist in sharing the faith with our youth to complete the survey—and provide their contact info in their response.