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Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN)

As a part of Lorain County’s IHN, Sacred Heart provides homeless families with overnight lodging and meals.  Our parish utilizes the Education Building to provide this service for four one-week periods each year.  Parishioners are invited and encouraged to sign up to do any of the following:

♦ Prepare the Education Building for guests
♦ bring in meals
♦ host the dinners, or the evening activity period
♦ stay overnight
♦ take-down the facility at the end of the week
♦ do laundry for the parish’s linens/towels and the like.

Volunteers who will be in contact with the guests are provided training.  All volunteers in contact with the guests are required to undergo a background check.

For additional information, please contact: Sue and Jack Kubicki, 440-965-4666.

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